I'll do anything for a coffee...

Get Amanda A Coffee

Spend 20 Minutes On Whatever You Like, Just As Long As She Gets Caffeinated...


What's the difference between the most successful coaches in the world, and you?

It could be the marketing. It might be the offers. Could be the sales.

We can dig into your specifics over coffee, and try to figure it out so you can fix that immediately, because the truth is... your next 6-figures is super doable with the right strategy!

Let me know if this sounds familiar...

  • You just want to make some stinkin' progress, but you feel like everyone is throwin up more to-dos in your face

  • You just want someone to give it to you straight on what you should focus on NOW to get faster results

  • You're tired of taking massively long programs and expensive certifications to not have enough clients yet...


We can totally work this out over coffee...

Business shouldn't suck.

Seriously, let's just talk out what you've done so far, and see what you could do next...

I ain't got nothin' to sell...

Really, I'm writing this page because I'm jonesing HARD for a coffee, and thought I might be able to help a coach in need. You'll have to book a different call to buy our services.

My biggest Breakthrus Often Happen Over A Beverage

It's worth a shot, right? Let just get it done.

Ready to just get to pick Amanda's brain already?


Hey there, I'm Amanda

7-figure online coach.

Business strategist that gets coaches to actually profit from their skills...

Lady with a sense of humor.

Wife to the far more extroverted Chris Tex-Rex Lavelle.

Mom to 4 kids and 2 cats.

Canadian transplanted to Fort Worth, Texas..

Nerd. Such. A Nerd. Knows things like how to make the psychology of your marketing work, how to make your campaigns work, how to make your sales process work, how to make ClickUp, Canva, ActiveCampaign and other nonsense work...

Just... such a nerd.

But I'm also fun, energetic, and eager to see you succeed. Even if it's just for a cup of coffee together.

Ready to just get to pick Amanda's brain already?

I feel like this should go without saying, but just in case...

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above and in any of our training are my personal sales figures. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of 15 years of professional consulting & coaching experience, and years of walking my talk to achieve these results, and have an established following and systems as a result. The average person who buys any “how-to” information takes no action and therefore gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT TAKE PART IN OUR OFFERS.

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